Thursday, June 22, 2023

consistency of the message of the ad campaign

 The way the Cheetos advert has consistently kept the message and the idea of the ad campaign is by keeping the same slogan " unleash your flamin hot" in their ads such as, posters, billboard, tv ad. 

They have kept their consistent slogan which allows the viewers to understand that the advert is about the hot Cheetos crisps. This being consistent in the ad is very important as when people keep seeing it they will remember that they have seen this in print and in a video form of the advert as well as it being on billboards for everyone to see. 

 They have also maintained to keep the image of the crisp packet in each of the ads, as you can see in the video, they have a packet of Cheeto's along with the billboard advertisements. Keeping the images consistent will increase the general reach of the product and will allow people outside the target audience to be reached. This also allows the ad campaign to promote a specific lifestyle or trend and these crisps may become a trend to try if more people are viewing it everywhere.

 The colour scheme for this advertisement has stayed the same as they have kept the colour scheme to more green, orange and red but as they have been doing a collab with Doritos they have kept the blue colour and packaging the same. They have kept it consistent so they can influence the consumers feelings and their thoughts about the product being advertised as consumers always tend to draw their attention to the colours  rather than the words and images that have been kept on the advert. Having these consistent colours will allow the ad campaign to increase the attention to advertising and the influence of the product.

Friday, June 9, 2023

pitch video


Pitch reflection

 1) with the questions that I got asked from my audience was " how does this stand out from the other past adverts that twirl have made" this was a very frequent question asked and I think that my advert and print would stand out from the rest and what I answered is that I'm bringing a game that everyone is popular with into the advert will will allow people to focus on the game swell as chocolate.

2) Another question that I got asked was what would my slogan be because at the time I didn't have one but I had "terrifically twirly and scrumptiously swirly" in my head so I think id make that mu slogan as it rhymes and it will be remembered.

3) when i did my presentation I kept looking out of the door and not the audience which I need to work on because if I am presenting my attention should be on the audience making sure that they are engaged to what I ma saying and showing them as this will tell me if they like my idea or not.

4) The next time I present any type of work I will make sure I add less words so that it is me mainly talking instead of the audience needing to read more than listen to me because I feel like less words on powerpoint and more vocals is important to grab peoples attention.

5) Speaking louder and more clear is what I need to work on as well as trying to use the word "LIKE"as much as I did in the video because then it seems like I don't know what I'm saying and I'm not prepared.

6) some of the slides had too much information and text so what I should have done is made more slides and spread the information onto different slides and make sure that it doesn't look so crowded.

7) I should add more images instead of text so then when speaking I know I don't have to keep looking back to read what I wrote I can just look at the fixtures and allow myself to remember what it is that I needed to say.

Tuesday, June 6, 2023




Audience feedback

 Audience feedback questions:

1) did you find it easy to create this?

2) how have you met the brief to rebrand twirl?

3) would you add anything to the advert?

4) would you change anything and why?

5) how do you think your actors did in the advert?

Mayzi said that she understood and knew what was happening in the advert and that she could tell i was trying to advertise the cadbury chocolate. However she did suggest that there should be more communication and emotion being shown within the characters so that the audience can tell that they are having fun during this. To make sure this solution gets fixed i can try to record some clips again or crop it out and not have their face showing and replace it with upbeat music just so the audience know this is a fun game thst they are playing. Mayzi also said the way everything was laid out onto the tables and how the chocolates were clearly unwrapped allowing the camera to pick up its logo so the audience watching can see it’s twirl chocolate.

Jalilah said she understood the advert because of how the whole advert was mainly focused on twirl chocolate even at the beginning she liked how the small edits of it were made when i zoomed in and out. However she did say I could have made shorter clips for the less convenient clips in my advert because for the twirl close up I recorded it for a bit too long which was unnecessary , so what I can do to improve this would be to make the clips shorter on final cut pro so then its more efficient and the audience get to see the main part of the advert instead of the packaging.

Khairun said the same thing as mayzi and also did suggest that they show more emotion because she said she looked a little grumpy so what we can do is re do it and record it again and make sure everyone looks more happier.

rushes log


Pitch video powerpoint


Running order


production schedule


Sunday, June 4, 2023



legal and ethical

final proposal

First Proposal


consistency of the message of the ad campaign

 The way the Cheetos advert has consistently kept the message and the idea of the ad campaign is by keeping the same slogan " unleash y...